Swotvac has officially started and what better way to kick it off with 6 consecutive days of
35 degrees+ weather. Guess summer just couldn't wait to show it's cheeky face..
But you know what summer means right?
It means you start hearing the chirps of crickets amidst the warm summer nights...
It means you have an excuse to strut around the house in your undies, even when people are present
It means the constant swatting of flies as you attempt to go outside but get ambushed by 100's of them the moment you stepped out. Also means that if the flies concentrate on someones butt, you have an excuse to laugh xD
It means you start profoundly sweating, even when you're doing absoultely nothing!
It means the beach is the place to be, showcasing that
hot body you've been working on since winter ( or not..) and going for that refreshing dip in the sea
It means you start witnessing the most amazing displays of Christmas lights you've ever seen as you drive past peoples houses.
It means the end of year is fast approaching, with Christmas & end of years sales; where you can buy the ps3 you've always wanted and turn that global financial crisis upside down.
It means the holiday season is in full throttle, with parties, of all types
everywhere you go.
It means the complete joy for some as they get a pleasant surprise for their score for year 12 or uni, and the anguish of others whom didn't do so well...
But most importantly for many, it marks the end of one of the most wackiest years yet to come into our lives, be it first year uni, making new friends for life, relationship mishaps, breakups, makeups and for many others, a bit of soul searching.
Who knows whats awaiting us in the years to come.. maybe
you might just get lucky :O
I guess exams have offically driven me crazy >_>