RUN forest RUUUN!

Ahh found a reason to run..

When you have a reason to run, you keep on running.

Run until your legs feel like they're about to rip apart.

Until that very last breath.

For when you have a reason to run, you're one step closer to ...

Not gay at all.

New moon is currently the hottest thing around. And for many, you can either love it or hate it.

I don't mind the series myself. I haven't read the books (yet) but only seen the first movie, and as a late teen, I can see how it entrances the audience (girls especially).

They say Jacobs is the new Edward nowadays, and it's probably true. There are a few scenes where he is topless and shows these insane abs + muscles. As a guy I'm like woah..he sure set the standard straight no doubt about that.

Argh! quick! before this post gets any gayer, need something to balance it out!

ahh good old Boa. That's better. ahem* anyway

What guy wouldn't want those killer abs to impress. seriously!

Guess it looks like i have my work cut out these holidays, if you know what I mean ... ;)

Here we go!

2 more days of knuckling down right to the very core. It's going to be hard to focus for so long but heres a quote that i'll share to pull (me) through the last couple of days until life can resume as normal..

The man who makes a success of an important venture never wails for the crowd. He strikes out for himself. It takes nerve, it takes a great lot of grit; but the man that succeeds has both. Anyone can fail. The public admires the man who has enough confidence in himself to take a chance. These chances are the main things after all. The man who tries to succeed must expect to be criticized. Nothing important was ever done but the greater number consulted previously doubted the possibility. Success is the accomplishment of that which most people think can't be done.
C. V. White

Balls on a hot day.

less then 40 hours till physiology exam.. and well it's taken longer then anticipated. but hey, at least it's somewhat interesting. Learning about the reproductive system and all.. =O

Apparently during hot days, your balls (& scrotum) drop to relieve it of all forms of heat because it functions best within a strict temperature range. ( and vice versa for cold days) did you know that? because I didn't.

And despite the fact that the opposite sex is long and complicated, content wise, it's fiiiiinalllllly filled a lot of holes in my knowledge of well, women. kinda.

Hahaha I'm talking about private parts because It's still fresh in my mind from studying ( having an exam on it is totally the best excuse )

Ooomph anyways

what if...

Keep dreaming

what do both Sam Witwicky (Transformers) and Michael angargro (The Forbidden Kingdom)
have in common?

They're both geeky people who aren't really popular, but get their lives transformed (pun itended) by some magical event which ultimately leaves them with with some incredible girl and a cool thing to go along with them.

sometimes I wish one day it'll happen to me. xD ( only in your dreams mate)

Hahaha one day ... one day damn..

1 exam down, 3 to go .... ( or 4 if you count viva)

Summer means..

Swotvac has officially started and what better way to kick it off with 6 consecutive days of 35 degrees+ weather. Guess summer just couldn't wait to show it's cheeky face..

But you know what summer means right?

It means you start hearing the chirps of crickets amidst the warm summer nights...

It means you have an excuse to strut around the house in your undies, even when people are present

It means the constant swatting of flies as you attempt to go outside but get ambushed by 100's of them the moment you stepped out. Also means that if the flies concentrate on someones butt, you have an excuse to laugh xD

It means you start profoundly sweating, even when you're doing absoultely nothing!

It means the beach is the place to be, showcasing that hot body you've been working on since winter ( or not..) and going for that refreshing dip in the sea

It means you start witnessing the most amazing displays of Christmas lights you've ever seen as you drive past peoples houses.

It means the end of year is fast approaching, with Christmas & end of years sales; where you can buy the ps3 you've always wanted and turn that global financial crisis upside down.

It means the holiday season is in full throttle, with parties, of all types everywhere you go.

It means the complete joy for some as they get a pleasant surprise for their score for year 12 or uni, and the anguish of others whom didn't do so well...

But most importantly for many, it marks the end of one of the most wackiest years yet to come into our lives, be it first year uni, making new friends for life, relationship mishaps, breakups, makeups and for many others, a bit of soul searching.

Who knows whats awaiting us in the years to come.. maybe you might just get lucky :O

I guess exams have offically driven me crazy >_>

What is courage? (TBC)

Another post; thought this was worth mentioning...

It was about the time during the end of last year. I was in this second hand store with my dad that sold a variety of random and used items; from old clothes, toys and ornaments to old smelly grandma stuff (?). One of the rooms had a massive section of old books.

Anyways I ended up reading a few of them and decided to grab 4 Readers Digest books for about 5c each that looked at least 10 years old.

I was THAT bored. -_-

You know how you have this section where people write about stories of their own life experiences and whatnot? I can distinctively remember reading this one that particularly stood out.

There was this girl who was doing a philosophy exam. The exam was quite hard and by the time she had reached the last question, she was mentally drained. Time was also running out. The last section required her to write an essay like answer to the question:

What is courage?

As like all the other students in the class, she thought for a bit and quickly wrote down all she could think of that were based on philosophical concepts she had learned during the course; definitions, diagrams, real life examples and comparisons to what wasn't courage. It was indeed a very hard exam for everyone as they could be seen pulling their hair out, thinking of ways to elaborate on it. It turns out she wrote 3 whole pages explaining this concept of courage to the best of her ability.

After getting her results back she was content to have gotten an above average mark, but was astonished at the person whom she was sitting next to, who had gotten full marks for the essay section. Unbelievable she thought, it was the hardest exam she had taken. She was curious to know how he could have done such a feat.

She looked at his paper and discovered it was only 1 page long, had no diagrams on it and consisted of only 2 words:

This is

Turn Up The Heat!

As you may have noticed, the blogs interface has been redisgned because:
a) it was pretty hard to read over the rainy backdrop and
b) Summers fast approaching so it didn't suit today's "weather"

Also added a dp for completeness because every other blog has one too and I didn't =/

Oh man, exam period is fast approaching and everyone's in the rush to prepare for it.

- As for all the year 12 commencing exams tomorrow; Wishing you all the best that it goes fine ;)

Adelaide uni people get their swatvac one week earlier then SA which is bad and good; depending on what you want to see it. I think it's just.. whatever xD doesn't really matter.

Suppose I haven't really started studying too; since I still have uni, the revision process is starting a bit slower then i thought. gota start building that momentum fast :O

And it's 36 degree's today !! :O

exxxam study mode : no gaming for 24 days. Done it once, can do it again.

such a plain post today; next time should be at least a little bit more interesting