
Wheres my change?

So uni has already started and the hype ( if there was any? ) has now pretty much died. And so we've all established ourselves and had a sneak peak on whats yet to come in terms of our course.

And hell. it looks hard. like crazily hard. but I Guess uni has always been like that..

So onto today random topic. hm well..
Why did I pick the Title "life's little knacks?"

The definition of a knack, according to word net :: bent: a special way of doing something; "he had a bent for it"; "he had a special knack for getting into trouble"; "he couldn't get the hang of it"
So in a sense it's like " life's little ways of doing things",you know getting around, understanding, witnessing, experiencing etc. which is whats suppose to be written here.

Are you a person that embraces change or dreads it? I suppose there's a billion factors that could effect your answer.
The extent of change, what kind of change, the significance of change.. you know.

But what I'm referring to is changes in a people.

Funny how one day you could be talking like there was no tomorrow, and the next it's a simply hello.good day.goodbye.
It was as if you had to introduce yourself all over again. LAME.
And yet that's just totally inevitable. yep. Everyday you see the gap get wider and wider. Ever wonder why? Did something happen while you were away? Did you do something wrong? Maybe you weren't really that much to them ?

Hmm... what to do. I guess all you can do is change along with them?...


If your not busy, then may I ask if you take 1 minute of your time to watch this nice short film. it's pretty cool and it's only 1 minute =D ( Double click film for whole file )